
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Misc. Photos - June 2018

Mostly flower and animal photos below the jump break.

2018 Vacation - Day 5

Day 5 was spent driving back home, sadly leaving the west side with all the green vegetation and ocean views, to head back to the dry, brown side of the state. We weren't able to stop at Crescent Lake due to road construction, and didn't really have the time anyway. There wasn't much delay at the ferry ride and other than some more road construction, we had a good trip back home. A few photos below the jump break.

2018 Vacation - Day 4

Day 4 started in Port Angeles, Washington. We took Highway 112 along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, which takes you to the Makah Indian Reservation. We visited the museum, and then drove on out to Cape Flattery. A trail goes out to the cliff edge which is as far northwest as one can go in the lower 48 states. Then we drove down to La Push first beach. We spent the night in Forks, Washington.

There was a lot of fog by the ocean the entire day. Due to the fog, the weather was around 20 degrees colder than just few miles inland where the sun was shining. Photos below.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

2018 Vacation -Day 3

Day 3 started in Burlington, Washington. We drove to Deception Pass State Park and took in the beautiful scenery there. Then it was on to the Coupeville Ferry terminal for a ride to Port Townsend. After that, we drove on to Port Angeles for the night. Photos below.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

2018 Vacation - Day 2

Day 2 began at Winthrop, WA and ended in Burlington, WA. The route between the two is the absolutely stunning North Cascades Highway. I have wanted to go on this road ever since I found out it existed. There are plenty of pull-offs to admire the scenery and we made good use of them. Photos below.

Bees Working

A few days ago on my walk, I went past some lavender plants and noticed that there were some bees busily gathering pollen. Below the jump break are the photos that turned out somewhat decently.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

2018 Vacation - Day 1

This year, it worked out so that we could take a week's vacation in June around our anniversary. I  got the rental car on Saturday, so that we could leave Sunday morning to go to Winthrop, which is in north central Washington, on the eastern edge of the Cascade Mountains. Photos below.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

International Lone Star - Interior Photos

Back in early 2015, I arrived early at the local blood donation center, noticed a hobby store near by, and decided to spend the few extra minutes there. While looking around, I noticed an International Lone Star model up on a top shelf. I had seen these models for sale online for around $80 up to $150, and had told myself that if I ever saw one for sale in a hobby shop at a good price, I would buy it. The price tag was just below $80. After a few moments of "internal war" with myself, I took it to the check-out counter. I told the guy at the cash register that there was no one here to talk me out of buying this, so here goes. He laughed and said that they like it when that happens!

At any rate, not long after purchasing it, I moved across the country and began a new life. The model sat in the storage closet for a couple of years. I've finally gotten around to working on it. The interior is done with some photos of that below the jump break.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

RS0ISS Transmissions

Last weekend, the Russian segment of the International Space Station transmitted some SSTV photos of amateur radio satellites. This time, I used a 1/4 wave magnetic mount antenna on the top of the toaster oven. Photos below.