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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

2018 Vacation - Day 1

This year, it worked out so that we could take a week's vacation in June around our anniversary. I  got the rental car on Saturday, so that we could leave Sunday morning to go to Winthrop, which is in north central Washington, on the eastern edge of the Cascade Mountains. Photos below.

This was our rental car, a Hyundai Sonata. 
The drive to Winthrop took us just a couple of miles away from the Grand Coulee Dam. So we detoured there and ate our lunch in the grass below the dam.

The next three photos were taken at an overlook of the valley overlooking the city of Grand Coulee and the dam.

I'm not sure what this building was at the overlook. I wondered if the roof lines are set up for astronomical events such as the summer and winter solstice. There were no plaques explaining the odd design.

We stopped at a highway overlook at Chief Joseph Dam. The second photo is looking down the Columbia River.

Winthrop, Washington. If there were no newer cars around, one would almost have to believe that they had gone back decades in time.

Quick snap got me this photo of an old truck in front of the corner store.

A deer with two fawns along the creek that runs through town.

Close-up of one of the fawns.

A "troll" under a bridge.

Three MG's all parked together.
We stayed in a cabin on the eastern outskirts of town.

I loved the wood interior.

Looking north-east off the deck of the cabin.

Flower bush blooming off the side of the deck.

A neat looking covered wagon on the property next door.

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