
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ginkgo Petrified Forest, Vantage WA.

On May 8, 2020, Tina and I took a day trip over to Vantage to see the Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park. This has been on my list of things to do, ever since I learned that it was there. Photos below.

A few of the logs at the visitor's center.

I didn't know that there were Indian petroglyphs at the visitor center, so this was a great surprise!

 The Columbia River.

 I found this old car just off to the side of a picnic area. The photo of the sign board just following these photos is a possible explanation as to what happened.

Up on the hillside where the logs were found. Our car is a little silver dot down there on the lower right.

The ends of the logs are protected by stone mortared walls that are covered with wire.

More Columbia River.

A brilliantly yellow field of rapeseed blooming along the interstate. Canola oil is made from this plant.

Tina asked me to put on this addendum.

Here's Tina's interpretation of the story preserved in these ancient petroglyphs:
"This is clearly telling the story of the great Covid 19 B.C. pandemic. 1. Coronaviruses floating around. 2. Mom and Dad trying to home school and telework. 3. These guys are social distancing and having a zoom call (maybe using smoke signals). 4. The one remaining roll of toilet paper was put on a pedestal and revered as a sacred object. 5. This dude is shooting up disinfectant."

1 comment:

  1. Joey, Emma and Darla thought Tina's interpretation was good.
