
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Themed Meal Experiments

 This year, like most other people have, we've spent more time than normal with cooking at home. It's been very enjoyable. This post will cover what's been going on in our kitchen.


A bit of humor to start with - here's an over-achieving peanut.

The first meal was to celebrate our Germanic European roots. For that meal, I made knoephla, German cucumber salad, and a German apple cake. It was all very delicious.



A main course of a meal that Tina made came from a cookbook named "Dining by Rail" which features recipes that were served on dining cars back when rail travel was the thing to do. She made clam chowder with asparagus on the side.

A friend that I used to work with gave me some black carrots that he grew in his garden. It's my understanding from reading about black carrots that orange ones are an anomaly that are now the standard carrot because they are sweeter. I made some carrot salad with black carrots and golden raisins to complete the reversal of the colors. 

For Halloween, I chose to look for recipes said to have been used in traditional Samhain meals. Here are photos of the absolutely delicious meat pie and Remembrance cookies, seasoned with rosemary.

It's been tons of fun experimenting with themed meals this year, and it's likely to continue long after COVID is (hopefully someday) gone.

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