
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Animals and Birds of the Inland Northwest

I've not seen a bald eagle around for a couple of months now. From a distance, I saw a huge bird sitting in this tree, and hoped it was the bald eagle again. Sure enough, it was! I was just getting into range of being able to take pictures when the magpie on the left decided to land near the eagle. The eagle was not at all happy with having company, so he took off just one or two seconds after I shot this picture. Once again, simply a lucky shot. 


I fell in love with this photo of a duck rather quickly. 


I still can't believe that I caught four ducks with their behinds in the air! Bottoms up!

Enjoying the sun!

7-23-17: A bald eagle near the Spokane River.

7-16-17: Two pics of a Western King-bird, taken at Saltese Uplands Conservation Area, Liberty Lake, Washington.

7-8-17: Two pics of a blue dragonfly. 

4-22-17: A black-capped chickadee that nearly ran into me in his hurry.

Some deer by the Antoine Peak parking lot.

A snowshoe hare that was just starting to switch back to being brown colored.

Cute little chipmunk that lives up on top of Antoine Peak.

2 photos of a female Common Merganser duck

Deer and turkeys near Newman Lake, WA

A bald eagle at Newman Lake, WA

Gray hawk watching for fish

An osprey watching for fish

A magpie by the Spokane River.

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