
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Harmony Lodge

 We stayed in this cabin for a few days in May 2021. Harmony Lodge is located near Baring, Washington in a rain forest like micro-climate that one would expect to see nearer Hoh Rain Forest near the coast. 

The views of the cabin from outside and the area around it.

The view from the hot tub!!!

Looking up Index Creek.

I took the following pictures while on little walks around the cabin.


 Here's a few photos from inside the cabin.

Looking out the kitchen door.

Your view while washing dishes.

Living room view east towards Mt. Baring.

Living room view west over the hot tub.

The old propane stove to cook on. The oven is the big square area on the top.

The fireplace is centrally located in the cabin.

I used the pellet stove for heat. Electric heat is also available.

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