
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Saltese Uplands Conservation Area

I took this hike on July 16, 2017. I am used to areas around here having more trees than this area has, so didn't properly prepare with sunscreen and got a little burned. Lesson learned for the next time out there. :) There are fabulous views of Mica Peak and down onto Liberty Lake.

First, the wildflowers. 

Hedge bindweed. Typically, I see completely white ones. The purple shade makes these beautiful.

I believe this is a blindeyes or long-headed poppy. 
A really small unidentified flower

Looking northwest towards town

Looking south towards Mica Peak

Looking south-east towards Liberty Lake

The cows seemed quite intrigued that there was someone up the hill from them.

Looking east into Idaho

Looking west towards Spokane Valley

Two photos of a Western Kingbird

Fields of grain in the valley to the south-west

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