
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Fishtrap Lake, WA

On April 22nd, we got up at 2 AM and went out to Fishtrap Lake Recreation Area. The Spokane Astronomical Society uses this area as their "go-to" spot for dark sky viewing. Northern lights were active that night, but we missed it as they had peaked earlier in the night and clouds had begun to move in.

I did play around with the camera a bit (of course), and got a few pictures of constellations. The last two pics were taken by my wife (who wasn't driving) on the way back into town.


The Big Dipper

The planet Jupiter. I had no idea that my camera would pick up 3 of its moons!


Coming down the big hill on I-90 into Spokane.

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