
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Mirabeau Park (Summer '17)

Here's some photos that I took while on walks in Mirabeau Park this summer.

The artificial waterfall that looks really cool anyway.

Using the selfie function to look up the tree.

People apparently dump their rabbits here after Easter or fair projects. There are usually some peculiarly colored rabbits running around.

This rabbit got about an arms length away from me, before he decided I didn't have food.

We had some sprinkles on August 13 that ended a long dry spell. The ducks and I out enjoying it.


A little crowded for space on the rock!

I'm still not sure what I saw here. The turtle's shell was red!

I noticed some of the vegetation (off to the left side of the water) was the same shade of red as the turtle's shell. Are the two oddly colored living things connected somehow? I don't know.

Snow berries. 

The next three pictures were taken after the smoke began to clear. It was so great to be able to see more than a couple of miles.

A tree growing out of seemingly solid rock.

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