
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Along Centennial Trail (Spring and Summer '17)

Here's some photos of assorted things that I was able to get pictures of while out on walks.

This is why Spokane is known as Lilac City. In the spring, they are everywhere. 

I would love to know the history behind this little bridge.

Antoine Peak in the distance and the fields were loaded with wild flowers.

A bee gathering from vetch. 

A tragopogon seed head. It's very similar to a dandelion, only much larger!

Bachelor's buttons or also known as cornflower.

Vetch and yellow wild flowers.

A snake that was sunning itself on the trail.
 A bald eagle was in the area for a few weeks. Unfortunately, I never did get any good photos of it.

Oregon grapes.

A cloud in which I see the image of a helicopter. Ha!

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