
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Monday, December 4, 2017

November '17 Photos

Once again, mostly scenery photos here.

An early snow storm in early November put fall and winter together for a couple of days.

Three photos of male Common Merganser ducks. This was a first sighting of these for me.

I hadn't seen a bald eagle close for a few months and figured that he'd moved away. So I was happy to see him again. The magpie decided to land in the tree by him. The eagle looked around as if to say "All these trees around here and you decided to land by me?!?" The eagle flew away a second or two after I shot the photo. 

Interesting scratch marks in the rocks. There will be later post on geological things that I've learned.

An abandoned homeless "shelter" right along the river.

Remnants of an old railroad bridge.

Photos of some clay tile(?) that say Peerless Digester on them. I found these down by the Spokane River. Perhaps they were parts of an old manure digester years ago. 

One of Burlington Northern's "Cascade Green" units hasn't been through the paint shop yet.

Arbor Crest Winery looking over Spokane Valley.

For "Opt Outside" day, I again went to Riverside State Park, but rode on Centennial Trail.

A bunch of random photos from Mirabeau Park area.

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