
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Mt. Spokane Trips

This year, I went up Mt. Spokane twice. Photos below.

The first time was on May 29th. The northwest side of the peak was still very snow covered as the photos show. If I had brought a chain and padlock along, I would have chained my bike to a tree off the road somewhere and gotten it on the way back down.

There's a road under there. 

Wildflowers growing next the the snow.

More wildflowers and snow.

At 5800' elevation, it's a great place to put a tower.

The tree's shadow created heat, making this interesting hole in the snow.

My second trip up Mt. Spokane was on August 22. I took my ham radio receiver along and did a little listening on HF with a wire antenna. It was much easier getting up and down this time as the snow was long gone.

The stone shelter house on the top of the mountain.

Looking east out of a window in the shelter house.

A very good view while enjoying my morning snack.

Looking at the mountain from where I park my car in the lot at the end of Summit Road. There is more elevation change from here to the top of the mountain than exists in the entire state of Ohio!

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