
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Along the Spokane River (Spring & Summer 2017)

This post contains photos taken with my iPhone.

View of the old train bridge which is now Centennial Trail. This photo was taken under I-90 at the state line of Washington and Idaho.

So sad. 

It's interesting how life grows in the weirdest places.

Caught some kayaks on the rivers.

The discarded carnation in the river intrigued me. A love that ended, perhaps?

An upside down car frame in the river. The two orange balls are reflections of visibility markers on overhead power lines in case a pilot tries to land their plane on the river. 

More life in weird places. 

This photo shows some lines in the rock near Mirabeau Park.

Close-up of lines in the rock.

A smoky day at the river. The visibility was around 2 miles. 

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