
2/25/2024: Picture content is slowly being removed from here on my blog and is being migrated to my YouTube channel @davidwxnut

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Vacation 2021

 We took our vacation in mid-May this year, and wanted to do something nice since it's quite the year for milestones. My wife and I both turn 50, and we celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. But then my father passed away after being sick for around two and a half months. So, 2021 has been quite a year.

Tina found a cabin that happened to have a few open days during the week that we had planned to take our vacation. It is located just west of Stevens Pass, and quite important to us, on the green side of the state!  The cabin and the scenery were equally awesome! Here is a link to a page I created about the cabin. Harmony Lodge

I took a hike while there to the west portal of the first Cascade Tunnel. Photos from that can be found here. Cascade Tunnel Hike

When our time was up at the cabin, we stopped at Peshastin Pinnacles on the way to Grand Coulee for a couple of days. I went on a couple of hikes while there, one to Steamboat Rock and Dry Falls 

It was a good vacation, and we hope to return to the cabin sometime because it's so relaxing and calm there.

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